Ferrari Magazine

Ferrari is the colour magazine of the Ferrari Owners’ Club produced six times per year and is included in the annual membership subscription, but is not on public sale. It features high-quality colour photography and articles on the Club’s major events, restoration stories, book reviews, and historical items about Ferrari. Other features include the latest news from the Ferrari factory, Formula One reports, and stories about the marque’s participation in the major motoring events around the world.
Il Bollettino electronic newsletter

Regularly the Club sends a picture and text e-mail, professionally produced, direct to members; this alerts to latest Club news and events, gives any event alterations, links to online booking facilities and reminds of forthcoming events. We hope that all members would like to be included in this service but there is an opt-out option for those who prefer not to receive these e-mails.
Club Website

Beyond the Club’s public-facing website – which you are currently viewing – Membership grants access to the private Members-only area of the website, with additional features and benefits.
This is used as the prime and most immediate vehicle of communications with Club members, giving daily news of upcoming events, including Area Group activities, online booking facilities for Club events, reports on past events, photo galleries and many other items of interest. There is also information on how to access the Club’s extensive historical archive, and direct links to exclusive Member offers from our Club commercial partners.
Each Area Group has its own section with the opportunity of publicising and reporting on the many local events which take place up and down the country. Only Club members have access to these parts of the website.
Social Media

The Club uses a range of social media platforms to communicate with members as well as showcasing the excitement and community of Club memberships. Follow our channels for the latest news and events from across our Area Group network as well as key Ferrari happenings.