Southbank Grill & Chill uses F430 for deliveries during lockdown

Posted on April 13, 2020.

This article first appeared in The Borneo Post

KUCHING (Borneo): Local restaurant Southbank Grill & Chill recently caught the attention of food enthusiasts with their innovative and attractive way to deliver food – by using a Ferrari F430 supercar.

According to the restaurant’s managing director Kenneth Tiong, the restaurant has been carrying out deliveries using the car for about two weeks now during the Movement Control Order (MCO).

“On the first week of the MCO, I encountered very bad sales – it dropped by 25 percent from the usual sales that we get. My team and I came up with the idea to deliver our food using the Ferrari and posted it on social media, and it actually works.”

“With this initiative, we can actually improve our sales – although it will not be comparable to the ones we had previously due to the MCO,” he told The Borneo Post today.

He also implied that customers’ responses were overwhelming as many were eager to take pictures with the supercar. “If my customers are happy, I am also happy,” he added.

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